Meet Our Team
Denis (he/him/his)
"I was almost 40 when I came out. I lived with the struggle to feel good about myself and to feel valued in who I was. I never want any youth to feel like that. I want them to know how special and wonderful they are and to feel loved. That truly is the reason I wanted to start Camp Haven and eliminate the fear and insecurities one queer youth at a time.”
Jeremy (he/him/his)
“As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community and a summer camp coordinator for over 20 years, it is an honor to help create a safe and meaningful summer camp experience for our LGBTQ+ youth in North Texas. I’ve witnessed group therapy in a summer camp setting change the lives of hundreds of kids in my time volunteering at El Tesoro De La Vida and I’m so excited to see Camp Haven do the same for our queer youth!”
Amanda (she/her/hers)
“As a counselor who welcomes LGBTQIA clients, I know intimately the struggles that the community faces in the harsh world we live in. Camp Haven is a place where queer youth will be heard and seen for who they are, children first, with identities they are exploring and stepping into. Therapy in this setting, without pretense, will allow a sense of connection and knowing that cannot be paralleled.”
Get involved!
Camp Haven relies on the dedication of volunteers, mentors, and supporters to make a lasting difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ youth. Whether you can spare your time, skills, or resources, your involvement is valued. Discover how you can make a difference and get involved today.
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