Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend camp?

Camp Haven is open to all youth ages 12-17 that are currently enrolled in middle or high school, who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community.  To ensure the health and safety of all of our campers, all campers are prescreened by one of our licensed professional counselors. Camp Haven is thrilled to be the first LGBTQ+ weeklong overnight summer camp in the state of Texas to provide traditional summer camp activities combined with group therapy to our campers. While Camp Haven’s priority is to serve queer youth in North Texas, we welcome youth outside the state of Texas to join our waiting list by sending us an email to

Are you a youth who is an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community and want to help?

Here are some ways you can help the community:

Learning to be an ally

How much does it cost to attend Camp Haven?

Campers will never be turned away due to an inability to pay their tuition fee.  Thanks to our generous supporters, Camp Haven is able to keep camp tuition well below the actual cost to attend.  For families who can afford to contribute a little more to support other campers, we have options available for you to help make a difference.  Please contact us at to learn more about payment and scholarship options. 

How will the campers be assigned cabins?

Campers are housed in cabins by age group. Camp Haven will operate two separate units on the campground, a middle camp and an upper camp.  The middle camp will be comprised of campers ages 12-15 and upper camp will be comprised of campers ages 16-17.  Within each unit will be cabins comprised of different gender identities.  Campers within in each cabin will participate in group therapy together as well as share meals together, all other camp activities will be a combination of unit and camp wide activities.  Campers will have the opportunity to make A LOT of new friends! 

What does a typical week look like at Camp Haven?

During the morning and throughout the day, you can expect to participate in activities chosen by each camper, these activities include things like swimming, canoeing and kayaking, hiking, arts and crafts, sports and games, horseback riding, and archery.  There will also be dedicated time each day for campers to sit down with the other campers in their cabin with their group therapist to talk about the things happening in their lives, build resiliency, and grow stronger together.  In the evenings, the campers will get together to participate in camp wide activities like a talent show, camp dance, pep rally, movie night, as well as opening and closing ceremonies. 

Group therapy sounds scary, what does that look like at Camp Haven?

Imagine sitting across from other people who get you, who want to listen to your story because it reflects their own, who want to support and encourage you. Sitting across from other teens who know through experience and counselors that are trained in helping. Activities and discussion will lead to connection, exploration, and learning...and laughter, lots and lots of laughter.

Imagine what that might feel like. This is what group at Camp Haven will look like. 

What’s my cabin like and what should I bring?

All cabins at camp have electricity, air conditioning, and contain private bathrooms and showers.  Campers should bring bedding, clothes to last a week, swimsuits, towels, toiletries, sunscreen, bug spray, and comfort items like stuffed animals or noise canceling headphones

How does Camp Haven ensure the safety of my youth?

All of Camp Haven’s volunteers are extensively interviewed in order to best understand their desire to work with Camp Haven. Additionally they are required to pass a background check, and attend mandatory recorded, virtual, and in person training sessions prior to attending camp.  Camp Haven is fortunate to have a minimum of five licensed professional counselors on staff throughout the duration of camp to address the mental health needs of our campers.  Our on site medical staff consists of two licensed medical professionals to ensure the physical wellbeing of our campers.  There are also certified lifeguards present at all waterfront activities.  If you have a specific concern not answered here, please contact us at

I’m still on the waitlist for camp, what are some resources available to me?

For counseling services |

Safe spaces for social and personal development for LGBTQ youth and allies |

Safe spaces, health and wellness, and other LGBTQ resources in the DFW area |

For trans and gender-diverse resources in Fort Worth/Tarrant County |

For nation-wide resources and community |

For counseling services |